Project : Roon Mission : Rescue daughter Points : 4 Other rewards: 1 brave att point Static : ? Min. level : Authors : Macdeath, Pval Last change : added storyline Last modified: 20011224 HINTS: As the title says, rescue the mayors daughter. The mayor, Aquilon, can be found in the city of Arc Praxis. Aquilon says: "Hmmm, you look like an experienced adventurer." Aquilon says: "Maybe you can save my daughter, Sonya." Aquilon says: "She was kidnapped by an evil creature that attacks our city every three years or so." Aquilon says: "We know that the creature lives somewhere in the ruins of Methyllion." Aquilon says: "If you could rescue my girl, I'll reward you handsomely." Aquilon says: "For more information about the ruins, visit our library." Aquilon says: "Maybe you'll find a way to stay alive in that underground maze." Aquilon says: "Please, at least give it a try." STORYLINE: Start point is the mayor office on roon. Leave the city through the east gate. N, ne,ne,se then look for the sandcastle somewhere east of that is the entrance of the tunnel system below the surface enter it and wander around looking for the other exit. At that exit go n twice kill the softy called Maul and go east. Thats where the mayor daughter is. She will follow you if you let the dialog finish. So all to do is same way back through the tunnels and the desert and deliver her at her daddy.