Flight computer: Data available on the planet Calir [Calir]:

= ====================================================================== =
= =.--------------------. ___         Population: Varied               = =
= =|      ..,,,,,    =+=| / __\       3.5 Billion                      = =
= =| *  ,:oXXOO8##@   . || /          Governing Body: Free             = =
= =|    oXXOOO8####@    || \__ALIR    Defenses:                        = =
= =|   oXOOO8######@@  .| \___/       Necropolis Base                  = =
= =|   oXOOO8######@@   |             Planet-Based Defense             = =
= =|   ooXOO8######@@   |                                              = =
= =|    oXXOOO8####@  * |  Calir is home to thousands of races and     = =
= =|.    `oXXOO8##@     |  tension is common. The Spacedocks are       = =
= =| *    ````'''''  .  |  a sanctuary for smugglers the galaxy over   = =
= =`--------------------'  searching for a safe-haven from the Empire. = =
= = Orbiting stations:                                                 = =
= =     Spacedocks The CIC welcomes you to explore                     = =
= =     Necropolis Base Calir in all of it's glory.                    = =
= ====================================================================== =

Flight computer: Orbital period is 199 days 23 minutes.
Flight computer: Distance is 0, coordinates are: -135, 990, 0

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