Cruu - Retrieve Laser Design (ab)

Points : 40
Other rewards :
Static :
Minimum level :
Authors : Lsd, Pval, Punisher, Bith
Last change : Updated name
Last modified : 31/05/2021


You see a holographic image of a scientist working in a laboratory. He
is working on the design of what appears to be a new kind of laser. Suddenly
he starts to yell: 'YES! YES! IT WORKS!', and immediately after that the
holographic image turns into white noise. Apparently it worked a bit too

A new holographic image appears, from some general. You can't make out
whether he is from the Alliance or the Empire, though. He turns his face
to you and starts talking slowly:

``What you just saw was the last recording we have from Dr. Tubul. Although
it seems there was an accident, we have reason to believe Dr. Tubul is still
alive and the plans for the new laser are somewhere on the spacestation he
was assigned to. Whoever may find this recording is requested to come to our
headquarters on Cruu. We need volunteers to retrieve the plans for the

You wonder for a while where these headquarters may be, since you have no idea
whether the general was Imperial or Alliance.



First of all, get all the mission items. These can be stored in 9 places: 

Map Locations: Montia (8,9) - Bunker (2,13) - Gungue village (13,17) - Malowy (17,2)

  • The robot in the bunker has some item sometimes (kill)
  • The sage holds an item (give drink)
  • On the shelves in the drugstore's cellar [n, enter hatch] (search shelves)
  • In the pot in the Malowy village (enter pot, search soup)
  • On the roof of the Malowy village (in the same room as the pot, throw hook, climb up, search leaves)
  • In the bank's safe (code is on the guard's [past archaeologist] note)
  • In the chimney in the barrack in Gungue village (enter barrack 5, climb chimney, search hole)
  • At the archaeologist, in the clump of clay (wield shovel [Malowy kids], dig, clean lump [with toothbrush from any zone planet])
  • Food; in the bunker, 3s, w is a 'food' machine.

In the imperial base (Gungue village), there is a food processing factory. There one has to 'insert corpse' (any corpse) and 'press button'. This will give the AT-ST energy pack.

Take some food and give it to the guard in the Gungue village. Go to the barracks and enter barrack 5. Ask general about mission. 

General Quingo says: Yes, I need someone for a mission.
General Quingo says: But I must be sure you are the right person for the job.
General Quingo says: Therefore you must prove yourself worthy.
General Quingo says: This freaked out pilot Zlaa has been bothering me for a long time.
General Quingo says: If you manage to ruin his ship, I will give you the real mission.
General Quingo says: This is what you do:
General Quingo says: Dock his ship and remove the navigation unit.
General Quingo says: Bring the unit to me and I will brief you further.

Find the autodock. Fly and radio hail empire. Activate autodock and go to the coordinates. If you dock, go n, press button and take module. (Zlaa attacks now). Get out and get back to the planet. Now go to the general and give the module to him.

Note: If your ship gets damaged, you can fly to a starbase to get it repaired.

Quingo gives letter to you.
General Quingo says: Okay, here is the real assignment:
General Quingo says: A few years ago, Doctor Tubul was doing research on lasers.
General Quingo says: Just after he made a breakthrough, his station disappeared.
General Quingo says: When a search-team came to the spot they found nothing but debris.
General Quingo says: However, we have reason to believe Doctor Tubul is still alive.
General Quingo says: Your task is to locate Doctor Tubul and get his plans.
General Quingo says: We believe his breakthrough is very important to the Empire
General Quingo says: If you find Tubul, give him that letter I just gave you.
General Quingo says: He will then give you the plans.
General Quingo says: I have some information that will help you on your way.
General Quingo says: Doctor Tubul used to come here every now and then.
General Quingo says: He had a small ship called the Drantu.
General Quingo says: There is a good chance that ship is still here in Gunque.
General Quingo says: On board of the ship is an autopilot.
General Quingo says: This autopilot can help you find the Station Irdan.
General Quingo says: That is where Doctor Tubul did his research.
General Quingo says: If the Drantu is still here, it must be somewhere north.
General Quingo says: It's a shame Darth Vader killed my predecessor.
General Quingo says: He could have told you more.
General Quingo says: Since this mission is Top Secret, I cannot give you any protection.
General Quingo says: You're all alone on this one.

Get the hook, the remote control and the power pack. Go to the closed building in Gungue (out, e, e). Throw hook, climb up, d, press open. (s,s,s,enter walker,n,n,n) Get the walker in the building and install cannon, install pack. Remove bulb and get  note. Get the walker to the concrete wall. (s,w,n) Fire wall. Go there and type the codes from the note one at a time. A ship will appear. Enter this one and fly to the coordinates on the paper. Once there, say the password on the same paper to the guard. Go n and give the letter to the doctor. 

Doctor Tubul says: I see you have been sent by Quingo, good.
Doctor Tubul says: they finally found me! All these years waiting!
Doctor Tubul says: hmmmm.
Doctor Tubul says: so I need to give you the plans for the laser amplifier.
Doctor Tubul says: well, how could I refuse an order from Quingo.
Doctor Tubul says: I've put the plans in this little R2-unit here.
Doctor Tubul says: It's been very faithful to me, it will serve you well.
Doctor Tubul says: Take the R2 unit back to Quingo and he will reward you.
Doctor Tubul says: Off you go, R2, follow her.
The R2 unit bleeps three times and rides towards you.

Take the droid to the general and 'flip switch'.

The R2-unit starts showing a holographic film. It looks like it is some
blueprint of a very powerful laser. The film includes a simulation where
an entire star-system is blown apart.

General Quingo starts to drool.
General Quingo says: Well done, well done. You have finished the mission.
General Quingo starts to work on his laser experiment.
General Quingo says: reverse polarity in the ionic section....
General Quingo says: adjust focal distance to 30%...
General Quingo says: increase voltage...
General Quingo says: done! now lets try it.
General Quingo pulls a switch.
The laser starts humming loudly. But doesn't emit any light.
The laser starts humming even louder.
The laser starts making a horrible noise.
One tiny bright red beam of light and a lot of smoke emerge from the laser.
The whole room is covered with smoke now. The noise is still getting worse.
In one big *BOOM* the laser explodes.
General Quingo starts to fume from his ears.
While the smoke clears out, you can see that the R2-unit has been destroyed.
General Quingo says: Nooo! The laser blew up the R2-unit!
General Quingo says: The plans are lost again! ARGH!
General Quingo says: Now I have to send someone else to Doctor Tubul again!

Go back to: Cruu