Flight computer: Data available on the planet Gong:

  Gong is the sixth  planet  in an  eleven-planet star system  also called  
  "Gong".  All other  planets are uninhabited but the system  is extremely  
  close to many   Alliance-aligned  systems such as  Ladriz, Alderaan  and  
  Hoth.  The inhabitants of Gong are  known as Gongites and are mostly the  
  descendants of  human  colonists which  settled the barren planet over a  
  millennia ago.  For centuries, Gong  was considered to be a crime infest-  
  -ed world with many of the  galaxy's  most feared  criminal minds hiding  
  out there.  The Galactic Empire seized control of Gong thirty-two  years  
  ago in order to exploit it for rich minerals and it's strategic location  
  being near Rebel-held planets.  Shortly  after the  Empire took control,  
  the Alliance assaulted the orbiting Imperial vessels, forcing the Empire  
  to pull out for good.

Flight computer: The solar system is Gong.
Flight computer: Orbital period is  194 days 6 hours.

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