Gong - Possessed X-Wing (ce)

Points : 20
Other rewards :
Static :
Minimum level :
Authors : Pval, Wow, <unknown>, Legislator
Last change : Walkthrough updated. please supply hints.
Last modified : 20112002


The image of a Nognilk appears in front of you.
It slowly starts to motion for you to listen carefully. As you
look closer you see concern on its face. The Nognilk starts
to speak in a rich accent, and you can barely make out what
it says. What you understand is that help is needed on the 
planet Gong to re-build a once functional X-wing. Many of
the inhabitants will help you along your journey if you just
ask politely.



All directions are to and from Gong bays (public shuttle dispenser).

You need 3 parts:

  • Navigation module: d, w, w, closet, take module, out, e, e, u.
  • Engine: d, n, n, n, w, w, s, s, e, e, s, s, w, press button, d, w, n, n, e, stand pedestal, press button, d, w, n, e, d, w, search shelf, take engine, e, u, w, s, e, stand pedestal, press button, d, w, s, s, e, u, e, n, n, w, w, n, n, e, e, s, s, s, u.
  • Hatch handle: d, n, n, n, w, w, s, s, e, e, s, e, s, s, dive, search pool, u, n, n, w, n, w, w, n, n, e, e, s, s, s, u.

d, n, n, n, n, enter, sleep, n, say repair x-wing please.

After that you are done with the mission and you can enter the X-wing and broadcast you thoughts over universe

Go back to: Gong