Flight computer: Data available on the planet Kashyyyk [Kashyyyk]:
-K A S H Y Y Y K

             _____                  System: Kashyyyk
        _.-'' ... /::.. 
     .-'::...:::::::::::.           Population: 3.8 billion sentients
   :::::.........:::::^:::::        Life forms: 
 :::^^^::::::':::::^^:::^^::::      Wookiees are the only 
.::::::::::::::^^:^^^::::^^:::.     native intellegent race, 
^^^:^:::::^^^^:^:^^:::::::::^^^     but the forests and jungles 
^^^:^^:^^^^:::::^^^::::::^^:^^^     are popluated with many 
^^^^^:^^:^^^::::::^^^^^^^:^^^^^     bizzare and dangerous 
 ^^^^^^^^^:^^^^^^^^^^^^::::^^^      creatures. 
  `:::.-....:..:::...::..:'     * : Rwookrrorro (main city) 
    \:::::::...::.O ...::..    // : Kracchrarr Canyon
     `._ ..::::...:.. _.'      ^^ : Mountains 
         `-.._____..-'         :: : Forest, Jungle 
                                O : Crator of Racharrthan

WARNING: Many highly aggressive and dangerous creatures
can be found in the jungles and forests of Kashyyyk,
going to the ground-level of the planet is not advised.

Flight computer: Orbital period is 7 years 294 days.
Flight computer: Distance is 0, coordinates are: 342, 5897, 86

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