Flight computer: Data available on the planet Pantolomin [Panto]:


Type: Terrestrial
Temperature: Hot
Atmosphere:: Type I (Breathable)
Hydrosphere: Moist
Gravity: Standard
Terrain: Ocean, tropical jungle
Length of Day: 24 Standard Hours
Length of Year: 349 Local Days
Sapient Races: Humans, Lomins, assorted aliens
Starport: Imperial Class
Population: 1 billion
Planet Function: Service/Tourism
Government: Representative Democracy (New Republic Allied) (DFR)
Tech Level: Space
Major Exports: Luxury Goods
Major Imports: Tourists

This planet is a really wonderful world. From the clear blue oceans to the 
colorful rain forests, from the blue-sand beaches to the intricate coral 
reefs, Pantolomin is a galactic paradise. Tourists come from all over to 
bask in the sun, dance, swim, and explore. For those who prefer even more
amazing sights, there are always luxury cruises atop the waves and beneath
them, which wind through the fabulous coral jungles that fill the ocean 
depths. One of the more popular subocean cruise ships is the luxury casino
Colar Vanda.  The three continents of Tralla, Kossi and Brint have modern
cities which have been desighted to blend into natural beauty of the land. 
Wherever possible, beaches and deep forests have been left in natural state,
only beeing intruded upon in the environmentally safe tour barges.

Sources:  "Dark Force Rising SourceBook", WEG 1993 

Flight computer: Orbital period is 14 years 259 days.
Flight computer: Distance is 9834, coordinates are: -6582, 6138, 0

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