Flight computer: Data available on the planet Toloran [Panto]:

Dark Force Rising SourceBook", WEG 1993 


Type: Terrestrial
Temperature: Cold
Atmosphere:: Type I (Breathable)
Hydrosphere: Dry
Gravity: Standard
Terrain: Ice desert, mountains
Length of Day: 23 Standard Hours
Length of Year: 423 Local Days
Sapient Races: Human, Ice dragons
Starport: Standard Class
Population: 5 million
Planet Function: Tourism
Government: Corporate Owned (New Republic Allied)
Tech Level: Space
Major Exports: None
Major Imports: Food, medicines, high-tech

A cold and desert planet in the Panto system. Mountain top resorts provide a
variety of winter activities, including repulsor skiing, hover sledding,
wilderness survival camps, and even mundane single and double snow-contact
skiing. The highest of the world is the great Snow Nara ice barge.

The ice barge sails across the great ice floes of the northern reaches, taking
the passengers to the most isolated areas for sightseeing, ice skiing and of
the terrible ice dragons of Toloran.

"Dark Force Rising SourceBook", WEG 1993

Flight computer: Orbital period is 48 years 258 days.
Flight computer: Distance is 20217, coordinates are: -8840, 17940, 14

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