Alderaan Dice Game Trigger and Status Window

This is a Zmud setup for playing the Dice game on Alderaan.  All it really does it make a copy of your score card in the status window.  It uses one class dice.  First we have the variables, this just sets up the vars for each mark plus the bonus, subtotal and totals.

#VAR dice1 { } { } {dice}
#VAR dice2 { } { } {dice}
#VAR dice3 { } { } {dice}
#VAR dice4 { } { } {dice}
#VAR dice6 { } { } {dice}
#VAR dice5 { } { } {dice}
#VAR dice7 { } { } {dice}
#VAR dice8 { } { } {dice}
#VAR dice9 { } { } {dice}
#VAR dice10 { } { } {dice}
#VAR dice11 { } { } {dice}
#VAR dice12 { } { } {dice}
#VAR dice13 { } { } {dice}
#VAR dicetotal {0} {0} {dice}
#VAR dicesub {0} {0} {dice}
#VAR dicebonus {0} {0} {dice}

Next are the triggers, the first one just starts up the game and resets the variables in the dice class.  Next are all the triggers that watch for 'You marked...'. 

#TRIGGER {The game has begun. No more players may join in.} {#SAY DICE GAME STARTED!;#T+ dice;#reset dice} {alderaan} 517

#TRIGGER {You marked (%d) under YAHTZEE.} {dice13=%1;#math dicetotal @dicetotal+@dicebonus+@dice13} {dice} 517
#TRIGGER {You marked (%d) under ONES.} {dice1=%1;#math dicesub @dicesub+@dice1;#if (@dicesub > 62) {dicebonus=35} {dicebonus=0};#math dicetotal @dicetotal+@dicebonus+@dice1} {dice} 517
#TRIGGER {You marked (%d) under CHANCE.} {dice12=%1;#math dicetotal @dicetotal+@dicebonus+@dice12} {dice} 517
#TRIGGER {You marked (%d) under TWOS.} {dice2=%1;#math dicesub @dicesub+@dice2;#if (@dicesub > 62) {dicebonus=35} {dicebonus=0};#math dicetotal @dicetotal+@dicebonus+@dice2} {dice} 517
#TRIGGER {You marked (%d) under FULL HOUSE.} {dice9=%1;#math dicetotal @dicetotal+@dicebonus+@dice9} {dice} 517
#TRIGGER {You marked (%d) under SHORT STRAIGHT.} {dice10=%1;#math dicetotal @dicetotal+@dicebonus+@dice10} {dice} 517
#TRIGGER {You marked (%d) under LONG STRAIGHT.} {dice11=%1;#math dicetotal @dicetotal+@dicebonus+@dice11} {dice} 517
#TRIGGER {You marked (%d) under SIXES.} {dice6=%1;#math dicesub @dicesub+@dice6;#if (@dicesub > 62) {dicebonus=35} {dicebonus=0};#math dicetotal @dicetotal+@dicebonus+@dice6} {dice} 517
#TRIGGER {You marked (%d) under THREES.} {dice3=%1;#math dicesub @dicesub+@dice3;#if (@dicesub > 62) {dicebonus=35} {dicebonus=0};#math dicetotal @dicetotal+@dicebonus+@dice3} {dice} 517
#TRIGGER {You marked (%d) under FOURS.} {dice4=%1;#math dicesub @dicesub+@dice4;#if (@dicesub > 62) {dicebonus=35} {dicebonus=0};#math dicetotal @dicetotal+@dicebonus+@dice4} {dice} 517
#TRIGGER {You marked (%d) under FIVES.} {dice5=%1;#math dicesub @dicesub+@dice5;#if (@dicesub > 62) {dicebonus=35} {dicebonus=0};#math dicetotal @dicetotal+@dicebonus+@dice5} {dice} 517
#TRIGGER {You marked (%d) under 3 OF A KIND.} {dice7=%1;#math dicetotal @dicetotal+@dicebonus+@dice7} {dice} 517
#TRIGGER {You marked (%d) under 4 OF A KIND.} {dice8=%1;#math dicetotal @dicetotal+@dicebonus+@dice8} {dice} 517

Finally the status window setup.  Open your status window (windows/status), right click on the open status window, cut and paste the following in.  You may need to adjust the colors to suit your own setup.

%ansi(yellow,bold)*****%ansi(blue,bold) DICE GAME%ansi(yellow,bold) *****%ansi(magenta)
%ansi(white) 1 %ansi(red,bold)Ones - %ansi(magenta)@dice1 %ansi(yellow,bold) ** %ansi(white) 7 %ansi(red,bold)3 of a Kind - %ansi(magenta)@dice7
%ansi(white) 2 %ansi(red,bold)Twos - %ansi(magenta)@dice2 %ansi(yellow,bold) ** %ansi(white) 8 %ansi(red,bold)4 of a Kind - %ansi(magenta)@dice8
%ansi(white) 3 %ansi(red,bold)Threes - %ansi(magenta)@dice3 %ansi(yellow,bold) ** %ansi(white) 9 %ansi(red,bold)Full house - %ansi(magenta)@dice9
%ansi(white) 4 %ansi(red,bold)Fours - %ansi(magenta)@dice4 %ansi(yellow,bold) ** %ansi(white)10 %ansi(red,bold)Short Straight - %ansi(magenta)@dice10
%ansi(white) 5 %ansi(red,bold)Fives - %ansi(magenta)@dice5 %ansi(yellow,bold) ** %ansi(white)11 %ansi(red,bold)Long Straight - %ansi(magenta)@dice11
%ansi(white) 6 %ansi(red,bold)Sixes - %ansi(magenta)@dice6 %ansi(yellow,bold) ** %ansi(white)12 %ansi(red,bold)Chance - %ansi(magenta)@dice12
%ansi(red,bold)SUB TOTAL - %ansi(magenta)@dicesub %ansi(yellow,bold) ** %ansi(white)13 %ansi(red,bold)Yahtzee - %ansi(magenta)@dice13
%ansi(red,bold)BONUS - %ansi(magenta)@dicebonus %ansi(yellow,bold) ** %ansi(red,bold)TOTAL SCORE - %ansi(magenta)@dicetotal

That's it, no aliases for this one,  its just a straight trigger and status window setup.