Apok Darr - Build Generator (gg)

Points : 5
Other rewards : 40k from the monsters
Static : yes
Minimum level : high (heavy killing)
Authors : Pval, Windryder, Quixote, Fuji
Last change : Updated guide
Last modified : 12/12/2021


Rumour is that guardians carry objects that combined form a powerful artifact.


You have to kill 4 heavy dudes and collect 4 items. That's basically it.

From bays: n, w, n, w, press button, enter car, press go, u, e, e, enter crack, purchase password (remember it).

Enter <password>, n, u, e, path, e, enter rock, n, kill cocoon, d, s, kill cocoon, n, w, d, kill cocoon, se, se, kill cocoon.

If you have the frame, dish, jewel and globe: assemble artifact.

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