The Padamir guild
The purpose (basically): to increase in rank and proficiency.
A first note: Many players outside of the guild wonder if you have to be a member
to use the Padamir Force dirk or Padamir Suit, or take advantage of the specials of these
items. The answer to this is "no", these items do not require that you are a member of the
guild. However, since use of the Padamir Force dirk and Padamir suit plays a role within
the ranking in the guild there is a certain "unwritten" rule that one should not hoard
Padamir items and not use them - especially the Gauntlets which are restricted items.
The Padamir Temple

The Padamir temple is found on Vanagar just south of the shop.
From bays: d, 3w, enter sprinklers. After you enter the sprinklers you need to "dive",
"duck", "jump" or "spin" depending on which way the water in the sprinklers comes towards you
(e.g. if water shoots at your head, you need to "duck"). You need to pass through 3
such random water-attacks before you are through the sprinklers and can enter the temple itself.
When you are a member and have enough psi-force by doing different Padamir related
actions/events, you can instead of enter sprinklers, type 'freeze' when you are in the
room just south of the Vanagar shop and you will automatically be transported to the
entrance of the temple.
The Padamir temple itself is not a huge place, but this is the guild central where you
fill most of the information and perform certain guild related actions.
The next descriptions are from when you have gone one "down" from the entrance:
- In the first room you enter (one down from entrance) you can use the command "gaze" or
<gaze "playername"> to see different stats regarding their ranking and their
padamir status.
Note: The gaze command is also partly incorporated in the general game command "view".
By typing "view nexus" you can check the same status as the temple - but only for yourself,
not other players.
- Down, east: Here you will find a Task stone. If you "read stone" it will list all the
Padamir tasks (minis) that are available and that you have done or not.
If you type "analyze script" it will show you the whole tier ranking system
- Down, east, east: Here you will fine a Padamir board where you can read posts from others
or leave something yourself.
- Down, south: Here you enter a room with an altar. If you "meditate" you will quickly
become more positive aligned.
- Down, alcove: In the alcove you can "trace" the best players in returning of
slivers (nexus), best Padamir suit proficiency (light) or best Padamir Force dirk
proficiency (blade). If you are good enough might also "assume" one of the ranks to
gain that title.
- Down, west: Here is a Rank stone ("read stone") that will show you the total best players
in the guild. If you "analyze script" it will tell you the 4 most useful commands to use
in the temple (freeze, gaze, trace and assume).
- Down, west, west: Here is a Member stone ("read stone") which will show you the
online guild members of any given time.
- Down, north: If you "analyze <1-4>" you will the story behind the Padamirs and Vanagar.
- Down, north, down: Here you will find Kumar, who decides who can join, where you
devote yourself to a certain order - or leave the guild.
- Down, north, down, south: The Nexus blade. This is where you return the slivers you find
around Vanagar by using the command "shower" when you have slivers in your inventory.
In the eastern passage north of the Member stone there are Rank/toplist stones which keeps
track on who have killed the most of all the big NPC's on Vanagar, like The Hound Keeper,
Automadon, Vylk, Sluicer Fish, Megaslug, Lightning Azore, Uul Chief, Grundell and Agent 1313.
The Nexus channel
The Padamir have a separate communications channel (like general or sales channel). In addition
to talk and emotes, the channel also reports every time a player kills one of the Vanagar
big NPCs - or when a guild member dies (by anything).
The channel is used the same way as other communications channels, but with "nexus" as the
channel identificator.
It also gives somewhat different entrance and exit messages depending on your rank and order.
Note: The aspect of the channel reporting when one of the Vanagar big NPC's is killed is
sort of handy when it comes to calculating approx when the next reset will happen if you need to
kill one of these.
The Ranking System
To increase your rank you need to do Padamir minis, collect slivers from the broken Nexus blade
and use the padamir dirk and suit.
The Padamir with the highest nexus connection (returned slivers), most proficient with the
Padamir Force dirk or most proficient with the Padamir suit , can "assume" a special rank title.
- Nexus Knight
- Defender of the Blade, or
- Defender of the Light
The entire ranking system and rank is based on your total score when it comes to the above
mentioned criteria:
There is a tier list for initiated ranks and knight ranks.
Another aspect of the ranking system is that you also can "devote" yourself to a particular order
in the guild. These orders are "Wild" , "Divine", "Elder", "Dread" or "Dire". These orders are
basically only for aesthetic use (rank description, comm channel entrance/exits etc) and does
not influence your rank otherwise.
You can see the ranks by entering the Padamir temple, go down, east (room with Task stone) and
"Analyze script". But the ranks are listed in the list below. The <order> will be replaced
with whatever order you might have "devoted" to.
Knight Ranks
550-xxx Padamir Grand Master
250-549 Padamir Master
(From 240-249 titles are different depending on your order)
240-249 Dire Padamir Avenger
240-249 Dread Padamir Nightmare
240-249 Divine Padamir Avatar
240-249 Elder Padamir Seer
240-249 Wild Padamir Unleasher
240-249 Lost Padamir Seeker
(From 230-239 titles are different depending on your order)
230-239 Dire Padamir Revenger
230-239 Dread Padamir Phantom
230-239 Divine Padamir Acceptor
230-239 Elder Padamir Preserver
230-239 Wild Padamir Chaotic
230-239 Lost Padamir Nomad
220-229 Padamir Champion
210-219 Padamir Crusader
200-209 Padamir Templar
190-199 Padamir Paladin
180-189 Padamir Arke-Knight
170-179 Padamir Knight
Initiated Ranks
160-169 Padamir Field-Knight
150-159 Padamir Guardian
140-149 Padamir Protector
130-139 Padamir Warrior
120-129 Padamir Warrior
110-119 Padamir Disciple
100-109 Padamir Adept
90-99 Padamir Acolyte
80-89 Greater Padamir Apprentice
70-79 Padamir Apprentice
60-69 Lesser Padamir Apprentice
50-59 Greater Padamir Wisp
40-49 Padamir Wisp
30-39 Lesser Padamir Wisp
20-29 Greater Padamir Initiate
10-19 Padamir Initiate
Padamir Minis
Minis are found by reading the Task stone in Padamir temple.
See separate section for list of Padamir minis.
Each NPC has a set number of chances, but the chance is random and dependant on your level.
The slivers are found on different monsters you kill on Vanagar. The higher the level on
monster, the more likely is it that you will find slivers on them. But all monsters could
carry one (or more) of these. There are just 2-3 NPC that are almost guaranteed to give
slivers when killed and that is The Hound Keeper, Vylk The Ice Uul and most of the times
The Lightning Azore.
These slivers must be returned to the Padamir temple. From temple entrance, d, n, d, s,
shower (when having them in your inventory). You might be rewarded with a increase in your
nexus connection (not always though) which counts in the ranking system. Sometimes you get
misc items instead, most notably a Padamir dirkstone, which will allow you to change the
manifistation of your dirk. Examples of manifistastations from players are: flaming purple
threads, scintillating crimson hammers, wicked silver blades, cool blue spikes, ebony silver
stars, nightmarish red circles, fetid green balls, electric blue daggers and seething
crimson flames. But you might also get some other semi-useful items. And sometimes you
will get nothing except a thanks for your effort.
Padamir Force Dirk
To increase you proficiency with Padamir Force dirk the only requirement is that you use it
(a lot). Every once in awhile you will get a message in battle that tells you that your
proficiency increases. Proficiency is also counted into the increase in ranks in the Padamir guild.
-*- Your Padamir dirk flares brightly, drawing on the power of Chaos -*-
-*- and subtly refining its shape to impart greater proficiency and -*-
-*- a heightened sense of precision and awareness!!! -*-
The chance for an increase in proficiency happens every time your Paradmir Force dirk gives
the following messages in battle:
Your Force dirk erupts with a flare of silver light!!
IF random(10) is 0 THEN
dirk erupts THEN
IF random(dirk points) is 0 AND random(dirk points) is 0 THEN
add dirk point
Note: The possibility of an increase in proficiency when using the Dirk and Suit will greatly
diminish the more proficient you get. When you reach 30+ and above you will rarely see an increase -
but it happens and players have managed to get above 100 (see ranks).
A Padamir Force dirk need to be made/assembled and requires 3 items (Directions from bays):
- A Gandorl crystal
- d, 2w, 2n, path, e, enter cave, s, se, ne, up, search eggs and A blue grundell
will arrive. Kill grundell and she drops the Crystal.
- A flux coil
- d, 2w, 2s, climb frond, throw slug, kill curtain, throw slug. When red woman
jumps out the window she drops coil.
- A silver hilt
- d, 3w, sw, enter complex, e, tap wall and a blue crystal falls down. e, out,
ne, e, 2n, entrance, give crystal to Berkana and she drops hilt (A blue crystal
might also be found: d, 2w, 3s, enter factory, enter door, search pots).
With all 3 items: Insert grundell crystal and insert coil and you have assembled a Padamir Force dirk
The best skills/atts for optimal dirk performance (there are two versions, most likely version 1
is correct):
- control, saber, unarmed, brv, computer
- alter, control, unarmed and brave
When you have assembled a Padamir Force dirk you can also "personalize" its shape into
something that suits yourself better.
To do this you need to wield the dirk, activate it and use the command
<dirkshift "form"> where <form> can be one of these
shapes (the shape is only effective when the dirk is activated):
Blade Machete
Broadsword Rapier
Cinquedea Saber
Claymore Sabre
Cutlass Sapara
Dagger Scimitar
Daikatana Scramasax
Falchion Shortsword
Flamberge Sickle
Khopesh Stiletto
Knife Wakizashi
When you wield your dirk and activate it, it will then take the shape you want from the list - and
combine it with the earlier mentioned manifistations. Example:
Padamir Force Scimitar: elemental purple (wielded)
The Padamir Force dirk also has some nice specials that can be used when in battle
which greatly enhances its efficiency. You can see these commands by looking at the
description of the Padamir Force dirk. These are <elderslice>, <dreadcut>
and <direslash>.
When using these specials you will quite often have to recharge your Padamir Force dirk by using
100 Force Points. This is done by channeling a personal word into the dirk <channel "word">.
This word is something you slowly reveal by using the dirk. When in battle you every once in
awhile will get a message that says something like:
"The light of symbolic knowledge flows from the dirk and into"
"your mind... the FIRST letter of your self-sacrifice is r."
"The light of symbolic knowledge flows from the dirk and into"
"your mind... the THIRD letter of your self-sacrifice is p."
After some time you will have been given 4 letters which together creates a random word like "raph".
When you have this word you can then use the channel command by "channel raph". This word will
not change later, even though the Padamir Force still will repeat the letters for you every now and
Note: Having a Padamir Force dirk visible in your inventory will block the use of the
common beams like alpha, beta and gamma.
Padamir Armour suit
To increase your proficiency with the Padamir Armour suit the only requirement is that you use
it (a lot). Every once in awhile you will get a message in battle that tells you that
your proficiency increases. Proficiency is also counted into the increase in ranks in the
Padamir guild.
-*- Your Padamir armour flashes brilliantly, reacting to a subtle -*-
-*- shift in the flows of Chaos. Standing calm at the center, you -*-
-*- now sense the world with enhanced precision and clarity!!! -*-
The chance for an increase in proficiency happens every time your Padamir Armour suit gives
the following messages in battle:
Your Padamir armour suit channels a blade of frozen psi into the dirk.
IF random(2) is 0 AND random(10) is 0 THEN
suit channels THEN
IF random(armour points) is 0 AND random(armour points) is 0 THEN
add armour point
The Padamir Armour suit consists of 8 armour pieces: Corselet (main), gauntlets (gloves),
sollerets (boots), helm (helmet), tasses (cloak), psi-plate (computer), pauldrons (shield) and
armbands (rings).
The Padamir Armour suit will also come in the form as one of the 5 orders in the guild.
Gauntlets is the armour item which defines which type of Padamir Armour suit you will get.
So gauntlets will come in the form of wild, divine, elder, dread or dire gauntlets.
Note: Which order you have devoted to in the guild does not matter when it comes to
which order the suit comes in. So you can be a Dread Padamir Templar and still use an Elder
Padamir Armour suit.
When you just wear all pieces the Padamir suit will give an AC of 12. In this case you will see all
parts as worn in your inventory, but as separate pieces.
Then you can activate the suit by using the command "clench fists" which will raise AC to 15.
To access all the special features of the suit (see below for the different orders) you need to
activate the suit like this.
Now the armour will just show as one item in your inventory, e.g. "<Order> Dread Padamir
armour suit"
And finally after you have activated the suit, you can access the special "mindshield <on/off>"
which will raise AC to a total of 20. Be aware that when "mindshield" is activated it will consume
1 FP per heartbeat, so it's best used when in battle.
Note: The AC given above might depend on your atts/skills. Stats given above is from a human
with certain bonus skills and atts.
Gauntlets (directions from bays): Either held by Uul Chief in Uul village or Vylk the Ice Uul.
Note: Sometimes neither Chief or Vylk hold gauntlets which means you need to wait for a
reset or two.
Note: Gauntlets are an restricted item, maximum 5 are allowed in the game at the same time.
In addition to gauntlets Chief/Vylk usually also hold one/two of the following /random) items. Vylk - pauldrons or psi-plate, Chief - tasses, pauldrons or sollerets. If Chief/Vylk does not hold gauntlets, they will have
two of the other items mentioned before.
- Directions to Uul Chief: d, 2w, 2n, path, e, cave, s, 2se, e, s, 5d, n, se,
3e, and then enter hut.
(Another way: d, 2w, all the way north, e, n. Use a K4 explosive rod and blow a hole,
hole, 2d, wait until you fall out in waterfall, sw, e, se, 3e, enter hut.)
- Directions to Vylk The Ice Uul: s, 2w, 2n, path, e, enter cave, s, 2se, e, 2ne, 2n,
4d, n, 3e, enter well, s, se, 2e, move slab
Corselet: Held by Shaman in Uul village. Same directions as with Uul Chief, but instead of "enter hut"
go n, e.
Armbands (directions from bays): d, 2w, all the way north, e, n. Use an explosive K4 rod and blow
a hole. Enter hole, d, search bones. You might need to kill a dog first then search bones again.
Armbands fall down in river and must be taken before they hit waterfall. Go down quickly and take
Helm (directions from bays), can be found in two locations:
- d, 2w, ne, d, e, kill miner
- d, 2w, 2n, path, e, enter cave, and go all the way southwards where you find 3 gorgos.
Kill them and search bones.
Psi-plate/tasses/sollerets/pauldrons (directions from bays): d, 4w, 2n, w, enter hole,
mine (with a laspick), take nugget, out, e, 2s, 2e, s, se, search wall, take green pass card,
nw, n, e, 2n, search web (might need to kill 2 crawlers) and you find a stake. e, enter shack,
insert stake and you fall, grab cable, insert card, pet dog (or kill dog), n, ladder, give nugget
to scientist. The scientist will leave and drop some suit items (random) on the floor. As mentioned
under the gauntlets, these pieces might also load randomly on Uul Chief and Vylk.
Sollerets can also be found by doing the agent mini (directions from bays): d, 3w, sw, enter
complex, w, agent notices you and leaves, follow him e, out, ne, e, ne and here Agent will open
a door, enter door and here there will be a pair of sollerets on the ground
Most parts (except gauntlets, corselet, armbands and helm) will load randomly on Vylk and Chief.
Useful skills: alter, control, computer, and sneak for all suits.
Useful atts: Wild is PER/DEX, Elder is TEC/INT, Divine is PER/BRV, Dire is STR/DEX, Dread is BRV/STR.
Below are the different types of Padamir Armour suits depending on which order of gauntlets you use
and which specials that are available. If you ask experienced Padamir Armour suit users you might
get definitive answers on which order of suit is the better choice.
Dire Gauntlets
1) pillar [no argument] [creates a pillar of intense light](cost 15fps)
2) mindshield |on:off| [raises ac at a cost of 1fp/hb]
3) fluxfield [no argument] [creates a barrier against hot/cold]
4) forceshell [no argument] [creates a shell of stored energy](store -80 fps release later for +50 fps)
5) direspirit [no argument] [sacrifices hp for fp](trade -50 hps for +40 fps)
6) direflesh [melts a monster's toughness] (cost 25fps)
Dread Gauntlets
1) pillar [no argument] [creates a pillar of intense light] 15fps
2) mindshield |on:off| [raises ac at a cost of 1fp/hb]
3) mindslip [briefly lowers an opponent's wc] 20 fps
4) forceshell [no argument] [creates a shell of stored energy]
5) deathsense [reveals current status of opponent] 5fps
6) dreadfire [briefly lowers an opponents ac] 20fps
Wild Gauntlets
1) pillar [no argument] [creates a pillar of intense light]
2) mindshield |on:off| [raises ac at a cost of 1fp/hb]
3) fluxfield [no argument] [creates a barrier against hot/cold]
4) forceshell [no argument] [creates a shell of stored energy]
5) quicken [speeds a player's rate of healing] 60 fps
6) wildfire [unpredictable power of wild light] 25fps
Divine Gauntlets
1) pillar [no argument] [creates a pillar of intense light]
2) mindshield |on:off| [raises ac at a cost of 1fp/hb]
3) mindslip [briefly lowers an opponent's wc]
4) forceshell [no argument] [creates a shell of stored energy]
5) quicken [speeds a player's rate of healing]
6) divinefire [converts a corpse into fp]
Elder Gauntlets
1) pillar [no argument] [creates a pillar of intense light](cost 15fps)
2) mindshield |on:off| [raises ac at a cost of 1fp/hb]
3) mindslip [briefly lowers an opponent's wc](cost 20fps)
4) forceshell [no argument] [creates a shell of stored energy](store -80 fps release later for +50 fps)
5) deathsense [reveals current status of opponent](cost 5fps)
6) elderfire [spasms a monster's muscular strength away](cost 30fps)