Roon - Rescue Borex (et)

Points : 6
Other rewards : <unknown>
Static : <unknown>
Minimum level : 1 (no killing)
Authors : Macdeath, Pval, Cruzer
Last change : Information added
Last modified : 30112002


We suspect the bird was moved to a place other than described in the script. So far it has not been found, but the one found in Shreck's villa is a toy bird. It's been a toy bird every time it's been seen in the described location for the past 2 years. The reason why we are reluctant to rule the current script is wrong is that it could be alignment based, like a lot of things on Roon. Please submit that which is not public yet :-)



Rax Reese, the warden of the forest has lost his bird. Find it and bring it back to Rax.
Hint: the bird is in captivity.
Rax says: "Maybe you have seen my Borex bird? It was stolen a few days"
Rax says: "ago. There are only five of them left in this sector of the"
Rax says: "galaxy. I have another bird and was hoping that they would"
Rax says: "mate, no chance of that now..."
Rax sighs loudly.


In Tom's shop, Quickhands can give you a note. This note points to the location where Tom is hiding. One location where he can be hiding is in the Roo village as the shaman. Ask Tom about Borex and he will give you a toy bird. Then go to Halma's villa and at the entry, replace the real bird with the toy bird. Then quickly bring the bird to Rax Reese. Just like the Return coin mini, this one may be alignment sensitive or random, so keep trying.

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