Takodana - Skywalker Legacy (ap)

Points : 30
Other rewards : Skywalker Legacy lightsaber
Static : no
Minimum level : Low
Authors : Sparky, Pequisto, Dcruze
Last change : Created walkthrough
Last modified : 09/06/2024


The Skywalker Legacy lightsaber is an almost holy relic.  It has defeated
the likes of Asajj Ventress, Savage Opress, Barriss Offee and Count Dooku.
It has seen battle in the Clone Wars and was an instrument of evil during
the Great Jedi Purge.

For years, it remained hidden away until it passed into the hands of a
young man from Tatooine, who wielded the lightsaber with great zeal during
the events that led to the destruction of the Death Star and the rise of
the Rebel Alliance.  Sadly, it was lost on the planet Bespin and remained
forgotten for decades.

Recent rumours say the lightsaber is in the possession of Maz Kanata on the
planet Takodana.  Her wise and Force-sensitive ways keep it protected, but
perhaps she would be willing to part with it?	


First Visit to Takodana

From Takodana bays, go 4e, 4n, enter, nw, 3n, nw, d, se, sw, se, e, and you'll be in a subterranean storage room next to Maz Kanata, the Pirate Queen.

If you have a look around, you will see a barrel with a wooden chest on top of it. When you try to open the chest, you are stopped by Maz...

You attempt to open the chest, but Maz stops you!
Maz turns to you.
Maz says: Hold it.
You feel the need to give Maz your undivided attention.
Maz points to the chest.
Maz says: There is a powerful item inside that chest.
Maz fixes you with a serious look.
Maz says: You could say it's a relic.
Maz says: I'm not comfortable with giving it away but there is something
 about you I trust.
Maz studies you for a long moment.
Maz says: Years ago, there was a lightsaber wielded by Anakin Skywalker.
Maz says: Blue-bladed, original hilt.
Maz says: That lightsaber fell into Obi-Wan Kenobi's possession after the
 Great Jedi Purge.
Maz says: Several years later, Luke Skywalker found his destiny with that
 same lightsaber.
Maz pauses, lost in thought.
Maz says: Luke lost that lightsaber in battle against his father on Bespin.
Maz shakes her head sadly.
Maz says: He also lost a hand.
Maz says: But that lightsaber was thought to be lost forever, consumed by
 the corrosive gasses that is Bespin.
Maz adjusts her goggles.
Maz says: But it was discovered in the bowels of Cloud City by an
 enterprising Ugnaught.
Maz smiles slightly.
Maz says: And to make an even longer story short, it ended up here.
Maz says: That's how I came to own the Skywalker Legacy lightsaber.
Maz studies you carefully.
Maz says: There is something in your heart that I admire.
Maz says: If you wish the lightsaber, I am willing to give it to you.
Maz asks: Do you want this lightsaber?

Maz tells you there is a lightsaber in the box and that she trusts you and is willing to give it to you. You can <nod maz> to let her know you want the lightsaber...

You nod at Maz Kanata.
Maz says: Who would pass on a free lightsaber?
Maz smiles.
Maz says: There's a hitch, though...
Maz says: The Kyber crystal which powers the saber is bonded to the
 Skywalker bloodline.
Maz says: You'll need to procure a new Kyber crystal.
Maz says: Kyber crystals don't grow on trees, so I don't expect I'll be
 parting with this lightsaber anytime soon.
Maz ponders the situation.
Maz says: You could talk to that Onodone up in the bar.
Maz says: He seems the resourceful type.
Maz says: If you can find a Kyber crystal, come back and I'll swap out the
 old one for you.
Maz says: You will have to ask around about the kyber.
Maz says: If you find someone you think can help, just ask them about kyber.
Maz says: Good luck, I think you'll need it.
Maz turns away.

Maz says she will give you the lightsaber if you can find a new Kyber crystal. She tells you you can ask people you think can help about kyber, and to start with the Onodone up in the bar.

From Maz, go w, nw, ne, nw, u, se, ne, table to sit down next to Gwellis Bagnoro, an Onodone forger. You can <ask gwellis about kyber> and listen to his proposition...

Gwellis Bagnoro turns to you.
Gwellis studies you carefully.
Gwellis says: Maybe I have one.
Gwellis says: Maybe I don't.
Gwellis says: I'd be willing to trade my Kyber crystal for a High-energy       
 scoring tool.                                                                  
Gwellis says: Those types of scoring tools are homemade and very rare.
Gwellis snorts.
Gwellis says: Find me one of those and I'll trade you my lucky Kyber crystal.  
Gwellis Bagnoro turns away from you.

Gwellis says he might have a Kyber crystal and that he's willing to trade it for a High-energy scoring tool. Well, you don't know where to get a scoring tool. But if you stick around for a while, you'll overhear Gwellis talking about another patron in the bar:

Gwellis says: Thromba's been awfully interested in Ralorsa lately.

Hmm, time to check out Thromba. Maybe she knows something about the Kyber crystal? Go out, se, 2s, <booth> to sit down next to Thromba. Ask her about the Kyber crystal, <ask thromba about kyber>, then listen to her proposition...

Thromba turns to you.
Thromba presses a button and a mechanical voice begins to translate.
Thromba says: Joo-gwaff junna-joo munda-jee jen jeeb.
A mechanical voice says: I need some special hair for my studies.
Thromba says: Jie-janka humba-joo jenk-jenk jiltroob.
A mechanical voice says: The singer with the beautiful voice intrigues me.
Thromba says: Jallal-jeem junna-joo jorksee yambrina-jee juggo.
A mechanical voice says: Fetch me a single strand of the singer's hair and I   
 will reward you.                                                               
Thromba says: Joo-humba-jin jenk-jenk jen oolooga jip.
A mechanical voice says: Bring me the hair and I will tell you where to find a 
 Kyber crystal.                                                                 
Thromba turns away from you.

Thromba says she wants a hair from the singer at the stage at the other end of the bar, go out, 2n, nw, sw, s, <stage>, then <pluck hair from ralorsa> and hope for the best... There are three possible outcomes when you attempt to do so:

  1. You successfully pluck the hair without anyone noticing.
  2. You pluck the hair, get caught and thrown out of the bar, but you get to keep the hair.
  3. You are caught in the act and thrown out of the bar, without keeping the hair.

If you get thrown out, you have to wait for 5 minutes before you can get back in. When you have the hair, return to Thromba and give it to her:

Thromba turns to you.
Thromba seems quite happy.
Thromba presses a button and a mechanical voice begins to translate.
Thromba exclaims: Jinn-juff, jinn-juff!
A mechanical voice says: Thank you, thank you!
Thromba says: Julul humba-jee, munda-jee jen jiltra habbi.
A mechanical voice says: I'm so happy, this will help me with my research.
Thromba reaches into a pouch and hands you something.
Thromba says: Jallal-joo, junna jorka ham-hom binti-jee.
A mechanical voice says: Please, accept this reward.
Thromba says: Joppa-jum yunni jen jorb porbo jorksee jobba kok jook, mino      
 jeeba-juff yapp janotro Dug judra jik jo Tatooine hoonobo.                     
A mechanical voice makes a shrieking noise and then seems to lose all power.
You didn't get that last translation...
Thromba turns away from you.

You'll receive a capsule of Nopium-7 as a reward from Thromba. Unfortunately, Thromba's translator malfunctioned during the last tell, but you're still able to make out "Dug" and "Tatooine". There's only one Dug on Tatooine, so travel there...


When you arrive, <land mos espa>, then go ne, w, s. You'll see Sebulba hanging out in the Blue Brubb. Now, <ask sebulba about kyber>:

Sebulba turns to you.
Sebulba looks you up and down with a look of pure contempt.
Sebulba says: A Kyber crystal? Maybe I know someone who has one, but you need  
 to do something for me first, ugly poodoo.                                     
Sebulba spits on the ground nearby.
Sebulba says: My back hurts and I need relief.  Find me some Nopium-7.
Sebulba turns away from you.

Sebulba says he need a capsule of Nopium-7 for his back pain, <give capsule to sebulba>:

Sebulba turns to you.
Sebulba examines the capsule carefully.
Sebulba says: It looks genuine enough.
Sebulba fixes you with a suspicious look.
Sebulba says: Alright, take this.
Sebulba tosses something to you.
Sebulba asks: You thought I had a Kyber crystal on me?  You are gullible.
Sebulba says: An old friend of mine runs a garage on Roon.
Sebulba says: Might want to ask him.
Sebulba says: No reason to think he can't find a little crystal...
Sebulba exclaims: Now beat it, pathylon poodoo!
Sebulba turns away from you.

Sebulba gives you a droid servomotor and tells you to find someone who runs a garage on Roon, so travel there next...


From Roon bays, go e, enter, d, enter shuttle. Then wait until you arrive in Arc Praxis. Then go w, s, 4w, 3s, e, n, and you'll see Ker Karaval, the garage proprietor. Now <ask ker about kyber>:

Ker Karaval turns to you.
Ker asks: A kyber crystal?
Ker scratches his head.
Ker says: I might know where to find one, but I need a droid servomotor first. 
Ker says: Find me one and I'll happily tell you where to find a kyber crystal. 
Ker Karaval turns away from you.

Ker wants the servomotor. Give it to him, then listen to what he says:

Ker Karaval turns to you.
Ker says: What have we here?
Ker smiles at you.
Ker says: Well, you found a droid servomotor for me.
Ker says: I'm a man of my word.
Ker tosses something to you.
Ker says: I'm sorry to say I don't know where to find a kyber crystal but an   
 old employee of mine might know.                                               
Ker says: His name's Driggeer.  A mechanic.
Ker says: Not sure where he's working these days.
Ker says: He might know where to find that crystal.
Ker says: Good luck.
Ker Karaval turns away from you.

Ker Karavel gives you an antique spanner and tells you to find a mechanic named Driggeer. Driggeer is located in the campsite on Takodana, so you'll have to travel back there...

Second Visit to Takodana

From Takodana bays, go 2s, nw, 3w, sw, 2s, 5sw, w, s, 2sw, w, sw, w, 3sw, w. You'll be at the end of a path. First look at the stand of trees, then at the shape, and you'll see that you you can squeeze through a pair of trees that have grown into a close V-shape. Now <squeeze>, then go sw, 2w, 2s, and you'll see Driggeer hanging around. When you <ask driggeer about kyber> he says:

Driggeer turns to you.
Driggeer stares confusedly at you.
Driggeer asks: A kyber crystal?
Driggeer says: I'm a bit busy these days working for Maz.
Driggeer says: I'll tell you what, find me an antique spanner and I'll help you
 find a kyber crystal.                                                          
Driggeer asks: Deal?
Driggeer turns away from you.

Driggeer says he'll help you if you give him an antique spanner. Give him the spanner, then listen to his instructions:

Driggeer turns to you.
Driggeer says: Wow, these antique spanners are not easy to find.
Driggeer smiles at you.
Driggeer says: I'm sorry to lead you on, but I have no idea where you might    
 find a kyber crystal.                                                          
Driggeer scratches his head.
Driggeer says: There was a human bounty hunter here a few weeks ago.
Driggeer says: He was looking for some old jedi on Endor.
Driggeer says: If you find him, I'm sure he can get you sorted.
Driggeer tosses something to you.
Driggeer says: That's a little something from our lost-and-found.
Driggeer says: You know... for your troubles.
Driggeer turns away from you.

You receive an electronic tattoo gun from Driggeer, and he tells you to find a human bounty hunter on Endor, head there next...


From Endor bays, go 2d, 2se, 2u, swing vine, 3n, w. Dengar is the bounty hunter you're looking for. Now <ask dengar about kyber>:

Dengar turns to you.
Dengar growls: I should kill you right now!
Dengar asks: Why would I have a worthless jedi stone in my possession?
Dengar ponders the situation.
Dengar says: You get me a tattoo gun and I'll get you a kyber crystal.
Dengar says: You've wasted my time enough as it is...
Dengar turns away from you.

Dengar wants the tattoo gun. Give the tattoo gun to Dengar and hear him out:

Dengar turns to you.
Dengar says: Excellent.
Dengar says: I can give this to my nephew for his birthday - *ahem* I mean,    
 this will come in handy as I build some explosives.                            
Dengar recovers his tough demeanour.
Dengar says: No, I don't have a kyber crystal.
Dengar says: I'm an evil bounty hunter, what did you expect?
Dengar says: Blarinas can get their hands on just about anything.
Dengar says: Maybe go find one?
Dengar tosses something to you.
Dengar says: I just finished reading that book.
Dengar says: It could come in handy the next time you play Battle Droids.
Dengar turns away from you.

You receive a Battle Droids game book from Dengar, and he tells you to go look for a Blarina. There's one in the bar on Takodana! Head back to Takodana to find him...

Third Visit to Takodana

From Takodana bays, go 4e, 4n, enter, ne, 2n, games. Wollivan, the Interstellar Scout is who you're looking for. Now <ask wollivan about kyber>:

Wollivan turns to you.
Wollivan asks: Are you interrupting my game to ask about a Kyber crystal?
Wollivan ponders the situation.
Wollivan says: Okay, okay. I know where you can find one, but you have to help 
 me first.                                                                      
Wollivan says: I am losing at this Battle Droids game.
Wollivan says: If you can find something that might help me start winning, I'll
 get you a kyber crystal.                                                       
Wollivan exclaims: Don't bother me until you have one!
Wollivan turns away from you.

Wollivan says he needs a book to win the game, so give the book to him and listen to his instructions:

Wollivan turns to you.
Wollivan flips through the book.
Wollivan smiles at you.
Wollivan says: I think you may have just found a way to help me win.
Wollivan whispers: That book is a godsend.
Wollivan says: About that Kyber crystal...
Wollivan says: I don't have one.
Wollivan smiles sheepishly.
Wollivan says: But like I told you, I can point you to one.
Wollivan takes a sip of his drink.
Wollivan says: Go and find Sleekus Yxido.  He's somewhere on Tantore-3.
Wollivan says: He's a pudgy little human but he likes to wear ridiculous alien 
Wollivan says: Find him and I'm sure he can get you a Kyber crystal.
Wollivan slips something into your hands with a wink.
Wollivan turns away from you.

Wollivan gives you a three-dimensional mapper and tells you to find Sleekus Yxido on Tantore-3. That's your next destination...


From Tantore-3 bays, enter the pod, <press 5> to travel to the Spire. Then, when you arrive, go <lift>, s, sw, e, s, enter, then enter again to enter the lift. <press 9> and wait until you reach the 9th floor. Go out to enter the Vattex Cafe and go north to find Sleekus Yxido. Ask him about kyber:

Yxido turns to you.
Yxido's slot opens and closes rapidly.
You see a hand behind the slot and grab it.
Yxido shouts: Ow, ow, ow!
A short, bald, pudgy human removes the alien mask and unzips his costume.
Yxido says: That's abuse.
Yxido asks: A Kyber crystal? Gee, haven't seen one of those in a good long     
Yxido thinks for a moment.
Yxido says: I can put my hands on one for you, but first I need you to do me a 
Yxido says: I've been trying to find a three-dimensional mapper but demand is  
 currently higher than supply.                                                  
Yxido checks his alien mask for damage.
Yxido says: Get me a three-dimensional mapper and I'll get you a Kyber crystal.
Yxido turns away from you.

Sleekus wants the mapper, so give it to him and then hear him out:

Yxido turns to you.
Yxido exclaims: Ha!  You found it!
Yxido checks the mapper and seems satisfied.
Yxido pauses and seems to cower.
Yxido says: Look, I don't have a Kyber crystal.
Yxido says: But I have this...
Yxido gives you something.
Yxido says: It's worth almost as much as a Kyber crystal.
Yxido shrugs.
Yxido says: Hey, if you don't want it, maybe you can sell it to a Verpine      
 assassin... or perhaps to a snooty scientist.                                  
Yxido puts on his alien mask.
Yxido turns away from you.

Sleekus gives you a Verpine shatter pistol as your reward and tells you to find a Verpine assassin or a snooty scientist. There just so happens to be a snooty scientist on KoBra Space Station, head there next...

KoBra Space Station

From the hangar on KoBra, go 3n, then <put palm on pad>, and go east. You'll see Monty, the snooty scientist next to his blackboard. Ask him about kyber:

Monty turns to you.
Monty asks: A Kyber crystal?!
Monty appears very annoyed with you.
Monty says: No, I don't have a Kyber crystal! Why would I need one?
Monty says: However, I know where you could find one. But first you need to    
 help me with something.                                                        
Monty says: Get me a Verpine shatter pistol so I can study its triggered       
Monty says: Do that and I'll tell you who you need to talk to in order to find 
 that crystal.                                                                  
Monty turns away from you.

Monty wants a Verpine shatter pistol to study. Give the pistol to him and hear him out... This is the final instruction:

Monty turns to you.
Monty is annoyed to have been interrupted.
Monty says: It's about time.  I've been waiting.
Monty says: Research waits for no one.
Monty puts away the pistol.
Monty says: Gwellis Bagnoro can help you. He's a self-proclaimed hacker which  
 is just code for being unemployed and useless.                                 
Monty says: He always carries a Kyber crystal with him for good luck.
Monty shrugs.
Monty says: Or as a paperweight.  Why do I even care?
Monty says: Last I heard, he was keeping company with smugglers and pirates.
Monty says: Find some smugglers and pirates and Gwellis won't be far away.
Monty takes something from a bag and gives it to you.
Monty says: This is for your troubles.  Take it and get out.
Monty turns away from you.

Monty gives you a high-energy scoring tool, that's exactly what Gwellis wanted! Time to return to Takodana...

Final Visit to Takodana

From Takodana bays, go 4e, 4n, enter, nw, 3n, ne, table. Then give the tool to Gwellis and listen to his instructions...

Gwellis Bagnoro turns to you.
Gwellis' long trunk goes completely rigid for a moment.
Gwellis exclaims: You found one!  Unbelievable!
Gwellis says: A deal is a deal, they say.
Gwellis gives you a Kyber crystal.
Gwellis says: Hopefully it will give you the kind of luck it has given me over 
 the years.                                                                     
Gwellis smiles at you.
Gwellis Bagnoro turns away from you.

At long last, Gwellis gives you the Kyber crystal. Now that you have what you need, return to Maz - Go out, sw, nw, d, se, sw, se, e and <give kyber to maz> to complete the mission...

Maz turns to you.
Maz asks: So you found one?
Maz examines the Kyber crystal carefully.
Maz says: This one has very few flaws and its youth is intact.
Maz opens the chest and removes a lightsaber.
Maz says: I'll be honest with you.
Maz says: I didn't think you would find a Kyber crystal.
Maz opens the hilt of the lightsaber and removes the old Kyber crystal.
Maz says: I hope you know how special this lightsaber is, and what it means
 to wield it.
Maz inserts the new Kyber crystal and closes the hilt.
Maz examines the lightsaber one final time before giving it to you.
Maz smiles at you warmly.
Maz says: May you the Force guide you.

Congratulations, you received the Skywalker Legacy lightsaber!

Go back to: Takodana