Takodana - Reprogram GA-97 (fb)

Points : 2
Other rewards : GP for alliance
Static : no
Minimum level : None
Authors : Sparky, Hindmost, Dcruze
Last change : Created walkthrough
Last modified : 07/06/2024


GA-97 is a servant droid found in Maz Kanata's castle. He is property of the Resistance and has been malfunctioning recently. There is a Rebel scout who has failed to gain entry into the castle to fix the droid. The scout can be found at random spots in the forest hiding in a tree.

NOTE: You need to have positive alignment to complete this mini.

In this mini you need to locate a scout who is hiding in a tree, he is found at random locations, so you'll have to search for him:

Location Directions from bays Directions to bays
1 2s, nw, 3w, climb tree d, 3e, se, 2n
2 2s, nw, 4w, sw, s, climb tree d, n, ne, 4e, se, 2n
3 2s, nw, 3w, sw, 2s, 4se, w, climb tree d, e, 4nw, 2n, ne, 3e, se, 2n

When you find him, provided you have good alignment, he will tell you of his predicament:

Rebel Scout says: I need your help.                                 
Rebel Scout says: Our asset in Maz's Castle needs to be reprogrammed and I     
 can't get in there...                                                          
Rebel Scout says: Find GA-97 somewhere near the bar and use the cypher to get  
 him working again.                                                             
Rebel Scout exclaims: That intel is crucial to the Resistance!                 
Rebel Scout asks: So what do you say? Will you help me?                        
The Rebel Scout looks off into the distance.

Type <help scout> and he will give you the cypher:

You offer to help the scout.
Rebel Scout exclaims: Thank the stars somebody decided to step up and help!    
Rebel Scout whispers: The correct cypher is 'RANDOMIZED CYPHER'.   

Take note of the cypher, and return to the landing bays. From there go 4e, 4n, enter, ne, 3n, nw and you will see the servant droid, GA-97. Now simply 'enter <RANDOMIZED CYPHER>' to complete the mini. Alliance players will also get 500 GP as an additional reward.

GA-97 says: Input accepted!  Implementation successful.


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