Takodana - Long Story (gq)

Points : 5
Other rewards : Adornment
Static : No
Minimum level : Low
Authors : Sparky, Dcruze
Last change : Created walkthrough
Last modified : 07/06/2024


In the bar on Takodana, the patrons are complaining about an old man sitting by himself in a booth telling long boring stories to anyone who will listen...

NOTE: Before you attempt to do this mini, make sure you have around 30 minutes to spend, and also that you have disabled any kind of triggers that could interrupt your inputs during that time.

From Takodana bays, go 4e, 4n, enter, ne, 3n, nw, then <slide booth>. You'll find yourself in a solemn booth with a lonely old man. Soon after you sit down, he will ask if you have time to listen to one of his stories.

You have to answer "yes" before he returns to nursing his drink. If you fail to do so, simply exit the booth and slide back in.

Old man says: My stories and my time are both precious.
Old man says: I only tell my stories to those who REALLY wish to hear them.
Old man says: Are you sure you want to hear one?

When you answer "yes" a second time, he will begin to tell his story. Then at random times during the story he will stop and check if you're still paying attention. When he does this you can answer in the affirmative or negative by saying "yes" or "no", or simply nodding or shaking your head.

He does ask rhetorical questions during his story. But you have to stay quiet when this happens. You will know when he's prompting you for a response since he will always look at you first... An example would be:

The old man looks at you.
Old man asks: Did I put you to sleep?
> shake
You shake your head.

If you do anything else while he's telling his story, or speak out of turn, he will get annoyed with you and throw you out of the booth. Then you will have to wait for a reset before you can try the mini again:

Old man says: I can tell that you're just not interested!
Old man says: Learn to be a better listener!	
The old man throws you out of the booth!

Eventually he will finish his story and ask you what you thought about it:

The old man smiles as he finishes his drink.
Old man asks: So what did you think of my story?

At this point, you can type anything you want to complete the mini, and receive your adornment...

Congratulations on surviving listening to the most boring story ever!

Go back to: Takodana