Takodana - Nirvana (hl)

Points : 5
Other rewards : 5,000 credits, Amulet
Static : No
Minimum level : Low
Authors : Sundarin, Hindmost
Last change : Created walkthrough
Last modified : 25/06/2024


In the valley to the south on Takodana, there is a locked barn. When the player gains access, they will be attacked by flying farm equipment. Afterwards, when they visit the castle, they will get recruited by a bar patron to uncover the mystery of the barn...

From Takodana bays, go: 2s, 3se, e, s, se, 3sw, 3w, 2s, w, 2sw, 2se, 2s, w.

You'll be next to an old dilapidated barn, but when you try to enter it, you discover that it's locked.

The first step is to find the rusty key that will unlock the barn. Fortunately you don't have to wander too far. Just simply walk north to clumsily fall into the river.

You'll be taken downstream and after a while you will surface on the northeast side of the bridge. There's a 1/6 chance that you'll find the key when you emerge. If you didn't get the key, you will get a message that you "spot something shiny underwater", or similar. Just keep walking N/S to repeatedly fall into the river until you emerge with the key.

With the key in hand, return to the barn and unlock barn, then enter.

Once inside, you'll see that there's an exit that leads <back>, but you cannot get there because there's all sorts of flying farm equipment that is damaging you and preventing you from doing so. When you've taken a little bit of damage from the flying tools, exit the barn by going <out>.

Then return to the landing bays: e, 2n, 2nw, 2ne, e, 2n, 3e, 3ne, nw, n, w, 3nw, 2n.

From the landing bays, head to the castle: 4e, 4n, enter. Now go northeast, and as you enter this room, Praster Ommlen will grab your arm and start to speak...

Praster grabs your arm!
Praster says: You look as if you've seen something inexplicable, friend.       
Praster asks: You've visited the barn, haven't you?                            
Praster says: And you felt the sadness and anger...                            
Praster says: That barn was once owned by my dear friend, Arzelo.              
Praster says: He died saving his animals from that very barn many years ago.   
Praster says: I don't think Arzelo is at rest yet.                             
Praster asks: Perhaps there is something we can do to help his restless spirit?
Praster says: If you are of the same mind, just ask me about my friend.        
Praster lets go of your arm.
Praster Ommlen looks away.

Praster intuitively knows that you've visited the barn. He explains that the barn belonged to his friend, Arzelo, who died years ago. He says Arzelo's spirit isn't at rest yet, and hopes there is something that can be done to help. Next <ask praster about his friend>:

You ask Praster about his friend.
Praster says: Yes, my dear old friend Arzelo.                                  
Praster says: One of the few farmers left on this part of Takodana.            
Praster says: He raised equine and mouflon.                                    
Praster says: The barn you visited used to be his.                             
Praster says: Many years ago, a wildfire swept through the valley.             
Praster says: Arzelo attempted to save his herd and his barn.                  
Praster says: He died in that barn.                                            
Praster says: I think he left a lot unfinished in life.                        
Praster says: Which also explains why he's trying to get your attention.       
Praster says: We are obliged to aid him.                                       
Praster says: If his spirit is caught between worlds then he'll need our help. 
Praster says: That means returning to the barn.                                
Praster says: As you already know, doing so will be very dangerous.            
Praster says: Life threatening, even.                                          
Praster says: Hmm. Perhaps life is the problem...                              
Praster says: The barn is central to this whole affair.                        
Praster says: If you like, you may ask me about the barn.                      
Praster Ommlen looks away.

Praster says you need to help Arzelo, since Arzelo's spirit is caught between worlds. He wants you to return to the barn, even though it's dangerous and could be life threatening. He hints that life itself might be the problem. Now, <ask praster about barn>:

You ask Praster about the barn.
Praster says: Yes, the barn that belonged to my old friend Arzelo.             
Praster says: I believe his spirit is stuck there.                             
Praster says: Yes, I know it's crazy, but it's the only explanation.           
Praster says: He died in that barn trying to save his animals.                 
Praster says: I think we must find a way to <reassure> him.                    
Praster says: Now, please go and help poor Arzelo.                             
Praster Ommlen looks away.

Praster says you need to go to the barn and find a way to reassure Arzelo.

Head back to the barn, then allow yourself to be killed by the flying farm equipment. It's only a soft death, so don't worry...

Once you're dead, you can go to the <back> of the barn where you will see the Ghost of Arzelo Finril. He is very distressed. You can't reassure him yet, but one of his chats will suggest what you need to do next:

Arzelo appears to need calming.

Now <calm arzelo>:

You calm the spirit down.
Arzelo appears calmer.
A disembodied voice says: I feel lighter.
Arzelo sinks into deep thought.
A disembodied voice asks: What about my farm?
The spirit looks away.

Arzelo becomes calm, but he is still concerned about his farm. Now is the time to <reassure arzelo>:

You reassure the spirit that everything will be alright.
Arzelo nods silently.
A disembodied voice says: Yes, I understand now.
Arzelo seems to fade a little.
A disembodied voice says: Thank you.
Arzelo motions to something on the ground.
Arzelo fades a little more.
A disembodied voice says: This is for you.  Return for it.  It's all I have
 left and you should have it.
Arzelo smiles calmly.
Arzelo nods at you.
Arzelo completely fades away.

Arzelo accepts that everything will be alright. He thanks you and points to a chest on the ground containing valuables, and says you should return for them later. Since you're still a ghost, you can't take them yet.

Return to the castle, and from the entrance go: nw, 3n, nw, d, w.

You'll be in the First Aid room. Here you can <enter tank> to get revived.

Go back to the barn. Since you've helped Arzelo find peace, there won't be any flying farm equipment attacking you, and you can safely go to the back of the barn. Get the money and the ancient amulet from the chest and you will see the following message:

You get a feeling that Praster Ommlen would be interested in this amulet.

Return to Praster and he'll ask to have a look at the amulet, give it to him:

Praster says: It's wonderful to know my old friend is now at peace.            
Praster says: I remember this... he treasured this amulet.                     
Praster gives amulet to you.
Praster says: Here. You keep it. You risked much to put him to rest.           

** You feel more experienced for helping Arzelo Finril find peace.

Praster says: I insist you keep it.                                            
Praster looks away.

Praster thanks you for helping Arzelo find peace, and gives back the amulet. The amulet only offers basic protection, but it's quite valuable. You can sell it for around 5,000 credits at the Exotic Shop.

With that, you have completed the mini... Congratulations!

Go back to: Takodana