Takodana - Stinkbomb Prank (ij)

Points : 6
Other rewards : 2,000 credits
Static : no
Minimum level : Low
Authors : Sparky, Dcruze
Last change : Created walkthrough
Last modified : 14/06/2024


In this mini you will be doing a prank on Kleer Weems, a friend of Blass Tyran, by placing a stinkbomb on his bed without getting discovered in the process, and without harming Weems in any way.

NOTE: This mini is slightly evil, so make sure you have a negative alignment before you start.

NOTE: To get into Weems' room from the courtyard, you will need a grappling hook. The ones you can get from the Death Star and Cruu will also work, but we will be getting one from Takodana. It is located in the last guest room you can get into, so start by doing the All Access mini, and when the walkthrough tells you to take a detour, do so...

If you do that, you should now be in the capacious guest room. Now look at the window, then look at the alcove, empty space, wooden trim and finally at the hatch. There's an old hatch you can open, <open hatch> then <enter hatch>.

You'll be at an old decrepit balcony, it's not safe here, so act fast! Go w, then get the grappling hook that's lying there, go east and <hatch> to return to the guest room. Now <press button> and go southwest.

Now go 3w, se, 3s, se, ne, <firepit>. You'll be sitting next to a firepit with Blass Tyran, a Fugitive Smuggler. If you sit around for a while you can hear him talking about needing help with a prank:

Blass asks: Interested in helping me with a prank?

That's what we're going to do, <help blass> and listen to what he says:

You offer to help Blass Tyran.
Blass Tyran turns to you, a broad smirk on his face.
Blass whispers: I've got this buddy who likes playing pranks on me.
Blass Tyran chuckles.
Blass whispers: I like playing pranks on him too.
Blass whispers: It's sort of a thing we have.
Blass whispers: Anyway, he got me good last time, so now it's my turn.
Blass whispers: I'm gonna need some help for this new prank I cooked up.
Blass Tyran scans the room for a long moment.
Blass whispers: Good!  He ain't here.
Blass says: Okay, so here's the deal...
Blass says: I ran into this trader who needed... nevermind that.
Blass says: What's important is that I've got a stinkbomb.
Blass says: It ain't those pantywaist stinkbombs neither.
Blass Tyran scoffs.
Blass says: Okay, so here's the deal...
Blass says: This is the kind of stinkbomb that would cause a mother to
 disown her baby.
Blass says: Or the kind of stinkbomb that would cause a black hole to
Blass Tyran snickers.
Blass says: This thing is the real deal.
Blass asks: So are you in?  Wanna help me get even with my friend?
Blass says: Say <yes> if you're in.
Blass turns away.

Now you can <nod blass> or <say yes> to continue:

Blass grins.
Blass says: This is gonna be awesome.
Blass says: My pal's name is Kleer Weems.
Blass says: He's booked a room here.
Blass says: I need you to get into his room and put the stinkbomb somewhere
 that will create maximum stinkage, like his bed.
Blass Tyran chuckles.
Blass says: Yeah, the bed should be perfect.
Blass says: I'd do it myself but if he even sees me anywhere near his room,
 he'll know.
Blass says: That's why you gotta do it.
Blass shrugs and says: Maybe try to get in from the courtyard?
Blass Tyran grabs you roughly.
Blass whispers: One more thing: the second I give you the stinkbomb, you
 have 90 seconds to get up there, place it and get out of there.
Blass says: These damned things are come in stabilizer pods and you can't
 lug that up there.
Blass Tyran sighs.
Blass says: So when you say <ready>, I'll take one out of the pod and hand
 it to you.
Blass says: Remember: 90 seconds.  The entire prank relies on you.
Blass Tyran looks around solemnly.
Blass asks: You ready?  Just say <ready>.
Blass turns away.

NOTE: There are a lot of ways to mess up this mini, before completing it for real, you could try killing Weems to see how Blass will react, or getting caught by Weems in his room in the act, or simply being too slow and letting the stinkbomb go off while in your inventory.

At this point, instead of agreeing straight away, you should survey the western part of the guest area, since getting the timing right is important here. If Weems enters his room and discovers the stinkbomb there, he will throw it out of his room and it will land in the middle of the courtyard.

Go, out, 3n, nw, sw, nw, w, u, 2s, then wait for Kleer to arrive. When he does get back to Blass as fast as you can and <say ready>:

Blass reaches below the table where you hear a distinct clicking noise.
Blass carefully places a small black sphere into the palm of your hand.
Blass says: Get it done!  Good luck!

  You have just been given a powerful stinkbomb!
  Hurry, get to Weems' room and place it there!
  You have 90 seconds!

You now have the stinkbomb and need to act fast! Go out, sw, out, s, w. Then <throw hook at balcony> to get up to the balcony outside of Weems' room, but don't go in yet!

If you're fast enough, Weems should still be inside his room, so have a peek inside to see if he's gone, <exa room>. If you're clear, then <enter>, <place bomb on bed> and go out.

If you do this correctly, Weems won't have time to get back into his room again before the stinkbomb goes off.

Just hang out on the balcony until the bomb goes off, if you're successful you should see the following message:

You feel confident that the stinkbomb went off successfully.
You should return to Blass Tyran for your reward!

Then go down, e, n, enter, ne, firepit and Blass will talk to you:

Blass turns to you.
Blass chuckles quietly.
Blass whispers: Good work.
Blass says: Here's a little something for helping me get even with Weems.
Blass gives you 2000 credits.
Blass says: Don't waste it on alcohol.
Blass winks at you.
Blass turns away.	

You get 2,000 credits for completing the prank. Congratulations!

Go back to: Takodana