Takodana - Shoot Me (im)

Points : 3
Other rewards : Credits, Experience
Static : yes
Minimum level : Low
Authors : Sparky, Hindmost, Dcruze
Last change : Created walkthrough
Last modified : 08/06/2024


Somewhere on the surface of Takodana there's an AT-ST driver who is in big trouble and he desperately needs to find a way to save his ass.

From Takodana bays, go 2s, 3se, e, s, se, 3sw, 7w. You'll find yourself in a grove of ferns and vines.

Look at the wall, then look at the knot. You'll see that some of the vines have turned yellow and are dying. Look at the yellow vines, then look at the weakness. You notice there's a weak spot where you can <pass through>.

Pass through the barrier to arrive in a quiet grove. Here you'll see a First Order AT-ST driver next to a crashed AT‑ST. Listen to what he has to say:

The AT-ST driver notices you and starts talking.
The driver says: I'm in a bit of pickle.
The driver says: These forests on Takodana are awfully thick.
The driver says: I wrecked my AT-ST over there and now there will be hell
 to pay.
The driver says: If I'm lucky, I may have to spend a few months in the brig.
The driver says: Listen, I could really use your help if you're offering it.
The driver says: The Colonel is going to kill me if I don't do something.
The driver says: So are you willing to <offer help>?
The AT-ST driver looks away.

Do as he says and <offer to help>:

You offer to help.
The driver says: Thanks, friend.  We need more people in the galaxy like
The driver says: If only there was a way to shift fault away from me.
The driver says: We need to make them believe it wasn't incompetence.  Heh.
The driver says: I think I've figured it out!
The driver says: The only way I'm going to keep my job is if they think I
 was ambushed.
The driver says: I need you to shoot the AT-ST wreckage to make it look like
 we were hit.
The driver says: Then, I need you to shoot me in the leg.  Just the leg,
 mind you.
The driver says: If the Colonel sees I was hit, I get to keep my job.
The driver says: So, are you up to this?
The driver says: Will you <offer to shoot>?
The AT-ST driver looks away.

That doesn't sound too hard, so agree to <offer to shoot>:

You offer to shoot.
The driver says: Excellent.  You need to make this look good.
The driver says: Here's a rifle.
AT-ST driver gives rifle to you.
The driver says: They need to see blaster marks on the AT-ST so shoot it
The driver says: Don't forget to wield it.
The driver says: Careful, it's loaded.
The AT-ST driver looks away.

Wield the blaster and then shoot at the AT-ST, <shoot atst>:

You fire at the AT-ST leaving scorch marks on one of the sides.
The driver says: Good work.
The driver says: Those blaster marks look convincing enough.
The driver says: I think they'll buy it.
The driver says: Alright, now for the icing on the cake.
The driver says: You need to shoot me in the leg.
The driver says: Just the leg, mind you.
The driver says: No blame, lots of sympathy.  Right?
The driver says: I think I'm ready.
The driver says: Go ahead and shoot me in the leg.
The AT-ST driver clenches his teeth and looks away.

Now <shoot driver in the leg>, _not_ <shoot driver> since that would be quite unfortunate...

You take careful aim and shoot the AT-ST driver square in the leg.
The AT-ST driver falls to the ground, writhing in pain.
The driver cries: Son of a bantha!  That really hurts.
The AT-ST driver tries to get his breathing under control.
The driver says: Alright, that... was good shooting.
The AT-ST driver grimaces in pain and tries to stand.
The driver says: Thanks.  I'm going to go pass out behind a tree...
The AT-ST driver crawls into the brush.
You hope he'll be okay.

With that, you have completed the mini. You notice that the driver left a few credits (based on your player level) for you on the ground, don't forget to pick them up before you leave! You also get a little bit of experience...


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