Takodana - Dragon on a Leash (iu)

Points : 2
Other rewards : Adornment
Static : No
Minimum level : Low
Authors : Sparky, Hindmost, Dcruze
Last change : Created walkthrough
Last modified : 04/07/2024


This mini is very similar to the Hunter and Hunted mini, and it's recommended that you do that first. This is how it differs:

  1. You're not required to visit Laksek Jonn in the hunting blind.
  2. Instead of leading the dragon to the hunting blind, you will lead it directly to Valtren instead.

From Takodana bays, go 2s, se, 2e. You'll find yourself next to the mud pit.

From here you can follow the instructions from the Hunter and Hunted mini, starting from where it says "The next steps are to find the mud, leaves and the Alludis plant". Then continue following it up until you're at the point where you need to lure the dragon.

It's the exact same procedure as with the previous mini, you need to make a beeline back to Valtren, but move one room at a time, making sure the dragon follows you each step of the way - you need to cover 16 rooms quickly. That's a lot more ground than before, so it's even more important to arrive at the dragon with as fresh a bloom as possible.

The path from the dragon to Valtren is: 3e, ne, e, ne, e, 2ne, 4e, n, 2ne.

When you arrive at Valtren you will see the following message:

A red, soul-burning flame erupts from deep behind Valtren's eyes at the
sight of the Pathylon Dragon!
Pathylon Dragon arrives from the southwest.
Valtren readies his axe and stares down the Pathylon Dragon with a cold,
sharp focus.
Valtren says: Today, it is your blood that will be spilled, dragon.
Valtren says: At least you're willing to face your enemy.

Valtren will then fight and slay the dragon...

The corpse of A Pathylon Dragon falls to the ground.
Valtren stands over the corpse of the Pathylon Dragon, his chest heaving.
He falls to his knees, closes his eyes and whispers something about having
avenged his wife.
Valtren's eyes open and the fire that was present before is now gone.
Valtren whispers: At long last, this dark chapter in my life can be closed.
Valtren whispers: Thank you for allowing me to find the peace that I have
 sought for so long.  Goodbye, stranger.
Valtren bows to you.

** You feel more experienced for helping Valtren avenge his wife
   and finally find peace.

Valtren Kayrosh takes corpse.
Valtren stakes the corpse to a nearby rock.

With that you'll have completed the mini, and provided you have the adornment from Hunter and Hunted already you get an addendum to that adornment as a reward.


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