Takodana - Fire in the Night (ji)

Points : 5
Other rewards : Adornment
Static : No
Minimum level : Low
Authors : Sparky, Hindmost
Last change : Created walkthrough
Last modified : 11/06/2024


The huge forests on Takodana are always vulnerable to forest fires. Fortunately, there are Flamesniffers on duty to make sure no fires break out after lightning strikes and so on. But what would happen if a lunatic with some matches, gasoline and a little determination showed up? Are you that lunatic?

First, the player needs to find three objects that can be used to start some fires.

  • A box of waterproof matches
  • A red gas canister
  • A stylish brown trenchcoat

Fortunately, they are all located in the campsite southwest on Takodana.

From Takodana bays, go 2s, 3se, e, s, se, 3sw, 9w, s, 2sw, w, sw, w, 3sw, w, <squeeze>.

Now you are inside the campsite where you will need to find three tents. Go sw, w, s. Here you will be able to see the three tents. Enter each tent to find the objects that you need:

  • <enter tent 1>, <take coat>, out
  • <enter tent 2>, <take matches>, out
  • <enter tent 3>, <take canister>, out

NOTE: Since you are a raging lunatic getting ready to torch the entire planet, you will not be able to just walk past Hauk Hoimel near the exit with all that dangerous equipment. To get past him you need to hide the items. That is where the coat comes into play: <wear coat>, <hide matches in coat>, <hide canister in coat>.

Now you are ready to enter the forest and start a planet-wide barbecue!

To get outside the campsite again go: n, e, ne, out.

The next step is to light up some fires with the matches and canister you took from tents and keep the fires alive so they will spread. The idea is that you need to light up as much as possible of the forest to qualify for the mini.

When you are in a suitable room in the forest, you can <pour gasoline on the ground>, <take match from matchbox>, <strike match>, <drop match>:

> pour gasoline on the ground
You can feel your breathing becoming heavier and your pulse increasing while
you meticulously pour gasoline on the ground!

> take match from matchbox
You take a match from the matchbox.

> strike match
You strike the match against the matchbox and become completely enthralled
by the flame it produces!

> drop match
With a rush of excitement bordering on uncontainable, you flick the lit     
match onto the gasoline and grin gleefully as the vapours burst into        
beautiful flames!  

Notes and strategies:

  • Your canister contains 16 charges, and you have 16 matches so a good idea is to start fires at several places.
  • A strategy can be to start one around each corner of the forest.
  • Taking rain and wind direction into account might also help the spread of wildfires.
  • To qualify for the mini, you have to be responsible for torching more than 50% of the planet.
  • You can go back to Hauk (but remember to hide your canister and matchbox first) so you can get a progress report on the fire from the map on the monitor next to him.
  • When you get a high rank as a Flamesniffer, and don't mind getting a HUGE penalty from Hauk, you can start a lightning fire, then switch to setting fires with the canister/matches to exploit the higher wind speed and fire spreading mechanics to your advantage. This will make this mini go a lot faster.

When all of Takodana has burned down, with you being responsible for the majority of it, you will be rewarded the mini along with an adornment.


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