Takodana - Foraging Gone Wrong (jl)

Points : 5
Other rewards : Adornment, 5,000 experience
Static : No
Minimum level : Low
Authors : Sparky, Hindmost, Dcruze
Last change : Created walkthrough
Last modified : 14/07/2024


In this mini you need to ingest a poisonous mushroom that you can find in the Takodana wilderness. The mushrooms comes in various and random colorings and there is no way of knowing which are poisonous or not. But sooner or later you will have the bad luck of eating one that is poisonous. Then you need to survive being sick for 30 minutes to complete the mini. Simple as that.

NOTE: Most mushrooms you will find are from patches that appear randomly in the forest, but there is one location that always has mushrooms - the escarpment in the forest.

To get to the escarpment from the landing bays, go: 2s, nw, 3w, sw, 2s, 3sw, w.

There are both solid cap and spotted mushrooms there. Make sure to pick them all.

Search through the wilderness for mushrooms. The mushrooms come in all sorts of different appearances, sizes and colors, and there is no way to be certain which ones are are poisonous or not.

When you see a patch of wild mushrooms you can <pick mushroom> and <eat mushroom>. The chance of picking a poisonous mushroom is 1 out of 50.

When you eat them, most mushrooms will give this message:

You pop the whole mushroom in your mouth and chew.
As you swallow, the bitter flavour hits you.  Eww!

But when you eat a poisonous mushroom you get this additional message:

This mushroom has a terrible aftertaste.  Blech!

After consuming a poisonous mushroom, all you need to do is make sure you don't die during the next 30 minutes. It's recommended to get to a place with heals and a sober machine when you do that. The bar on Takodana will work just fine.

If you eat another poisonous mushroom while you're already affected, the timer will reset and you will need to endure the effects for another 30 minutes following that.

The sickness follows a bell curve, and you will be seriously sick between 10 and 20 minutes in. There are two sets of random effects depending on the severity of the sickness:

Mild Sickness:

  • Dizziness
  • Headache
  • Nausea (*)
  • Muscle Cramps
  • Fatigue

Severe Sickness:

  • Sweating
  • Diarrhea (*)
  • Vomiting (*)
  • Palpitations
  • Unconsciousness

All of the effects will reduce your health somewhat. The sickness will work itself up to a peak around the 15 minute mark and subside after that. When it's at its peak, you will experience an effect around every 20 seconds, the longest time between effects is at the beginning and end where you'll experience an effect every 2 minutes.

If you quit, you will still be sick when you log back on, and you have to have been logged in continuously for the majority of the sickness to qualify for the mini.

If you pass out due to unconsciousness, then you will be effectively stunned for a few seconds.

All the mild effects have a low impact on your health, except for nausea, which has a medium impact. Similarly, all the severe effects have a medium impact on your health, except for diarrhea and vomiting which have a high impact:

  • A low impact effect reduces your health by 10% of your max health
  • A medium impact effect reduces your health by 15% of your max health
  • A high impact effect reduces your health by 20% of your max health

(*) Additionally, if the last effect you experienced was nausea, vomiting or diarrhea then you will be too sick to heal until a milder effect takes its place. Because of this you should aim to heal up to max health whenever you get the chance.

If you die at any time while being sick, you will fail the mini and you'll have to find another poisonous mushroom to eat. It's only a soft death, though, so don't worry:

Since you've died, you no longer have to worry about being sick.  Yay, you!

But if you survive the 30 minutes you will get the following message:

You have recovered from eating the mushroom.  Let's not do that again!

** You feel more experienced for surviving this whole ordeal.
   Remember: Eating wild mushrooms is very risky!
   You tell yourself you will NEVER eat a wild mushroom again.

When you complete the mini you will also receive an adornment and 5,000 experience for all your troubles. Congratulations!

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