Plymouth - Find Sample (fx)

Points : 3
Other rewards : WC14 Crystal Blade (Good low-level weapon)
Static :
Minimum level :
Authors : Pval, Odysseus, Drienf, Geez
Last change : Updated name
Last modified : 31/05/2021


  • To get the blade you really need to kill the dragon, so if it is possible to sneak by the dragon, you don't get it! (I wouldn't see it as part of the mini in that case)
  • You really need to kill the lynx. unarmed + blast ring + tk set works very well (1 round for me (level 5)).
  • The dragon was tough with the same stuff (sneaking by failed), but still: blast ring + tk set are very good. I got it without needing to heal (just boost a couple of times).
  • This mini is not difficult for a level 5 if atts/skills are high and with good equipment. (If sneak works, it is trivial at 5.)


From the flower girl to s, w enter building. Talk to the Phyll there, he will give you an assignment. Go to the landing pad, then w, s, s, s, e, d, e, e, e, n. This will be a location with a waterfall. Enter waterfall and search the corpse and get the sampler, you may have to kill the crystal lynx. Then go s, s, s, a location just before the crystal dragon. Then quickly type do s, se to get passed the dragon.

If you wait too long he will attack you and you're not allowed to pass. Get the sample and quickly type nw, n to sneak past the dragon. Go back to Phyll and give the sample to him. The dragon carries a wc14 crystal blade which is a nice weapon for a low level player. But you cut your fingers every now and then when using it.

The crystal monsters in the cave (e.g. dragon) are best fought with The Cyber Axe from Captain Grammel (Zone 6). Other effective weapons named were Chemtech and Assault Armour (both Triton)

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