Takodana kills guide

This guide will give you hints on how to defeat tough monsters a little easier or which monsters are best suited for your level.


Kylo Ren: Far into the Takodana wilds maze the player can find Kylo Ren. Getting to the wilds requires a few steps done beforehand. These steps can be checked in the mini Kill Kylo Ren. Kylo Ren isn't extremely dangerous as a baseline, but he has a multitude of specials that can make him very lethal.

These specials includes a throw special damage, stun-special for 1-2 turns, choke special damage, double attack special and healing capabilities. He can also intimidate players, forcing them to leave his room and when he gets low on HP he can leave the room for another room in the wilds.

During the fight he can also summon his minions that are located in other parts of the wilds - the player is advised to kill these NPCs first before fighting Kylo Ren, since if they're present, they will make it impossible to harm Kylo Ren until they're dead.

Kylo Ren can drop some nice items when killed, most notably his Kylo Ren's Crossguard lightsaber, and an AC 2 Kylo Ren's helmet. He also drops a selection of different sized void opals, which can be used for healing FP. Killing Kylo Ren will give you an adornment, as well as the mini.
STATS: Level: 19 - Hp: 1,800 - Wc: 45-75 - Ac: 45 - $: 30,000 credits - Align: -2,500 - Max Damage: 200 HP

Maz Kanata: Maz Kanata is quite easy to find, from the main bar, the player can just go sw, nw, d, se, sw, se, e to find her in her storage room in the dungeon. But even though she's easy to find, that doesn't mean she's easy to kill.

She doesn't hit very hard by herself, but she has quite a few tricks up her sleeve. Don't be surprised to find yourself thrown out of her room or even far beyond the castle itself. She also has an uncanny ability to heal herself quickly... and more! She has a good selection of items, like the Compact Blaster pistol, a PLX-1 portable missile launcher, a healing stimpack and a pair of large mechanical goggles. Killing Maz Kanata will give you an adornment.
STATS: Level: 19 - Hp: 1,500 - Wc: 52 - Ac: 40 - $: 15,000 credits - Align: 4,000 - Max Damage: ?

FN-2199: FN-2199 takes some time to reach, since you have to finish the Kill Kylo Ren mini before his location is revealed. From bays, go 4e, n, <clear bushes>, ne, 3n.

Unfortunately, you can't just walk straight to him in the last three rooms. You first have to battle through several squads of First Order troopers. They're not too tough and the player can use an E-Web heavy repeating blaster that is located in each of these rooms to shoot them down one by one!

When they're all dead, just go north and FN-2199 will be there waiting for you. He has two difficulty levels that determines both his toughness and the rewards you'll get. To fight him on hard mode, you'll need to wield a saber at all times. If you fight him barehanded or with a different type of weapon he will transform into the easy variant.

FN-2199 has a few specials in battle; he can toss the player backwards into the previous room, he has a stun special that can stun the player for a few seconds, and he can double-attack at times. There's also a chance that he'll call for reinforcement and get a few troopers to fight next to him.

Depending on his difficulty level he will either wield and drop a WC 22 Z6 riot control baton or the less desirable WC 15 Z4 riot control baton. Killing FN-2199 will give you an adornment and rewards you with the Riot Control mini if you fought him on hard mode.
STATS: Level: 19 - Hp: 630 (easy) / 1,000 (hard) - Wc: 45 - Ac: 40 - $: 1,750 credits (easy) / 13,750 credits (hard) - Align: ? - Max Damage: ?

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