Takodana - Riot Control (jn)

Points : 6
Other rewards : Adornment
Static : No
Minimum level : Level 15+
Authors : Sparky, Dcruze
Last change : Created walkthrough
Last modified : 09/07/2024


Maz's castle is under attack by the First Order. You need to get to the end of the curtain wall and vanquish FN-2199 to complete this mini.

After finishing the Kill Kylo Ren mini when you arrive at the gate to the courtyard just east of the landing area on Takodana, you will notice the ruckus of a ground assault coming from behind some large bushes.

You can <clear bushes> to reveal an exit to the northeast. When you try to go there, you will receive a prompt warning you that it could be dangerous. If you accept by typing <yes> you are allowed to go northeast...

NOTE: The wall area can be dangerous, you should not idle there since it is a battleground and you will take some damage just by being there. Make sure you watch your health constantly and run to heal as needed. You may want to skim through this walkthrough beforehand so you'll know what to expect.

When you go northeast, you'll see three defensive barricades and an E-Web heavy repeating blaster. If you attempt to go north at this point, you'll get the following message:

There are still troopers left, the barrage of fire is too great to go north!	

There are three rooms/battles before you reach the end of the wall, and in each battle you have to kill 32 troopers before you can proceed. The most efficient way to kill the troopers is by shooting them with the E-Web. The following are the instructions for how to operate it:

  789  |
  456  | 'turn <left/right>'    -> 4 = <turn left>, 6 = <turn right>
  123  | <fire>                 -> 5 = <fire>
  0    | <view>                 -> 0 = <view>

It's recommended that you set up keyboard macros so you only have to push a button once to execute the commands, you only need <turn left/right>, and <fire>. <view> is nice, but you can just turn left and right for the same effect.

To use the E-Web you have to <mount blaster>, to get off again you type <dismount blaster>. There's not much to it, troopers will arrive to take position behind the barricades. When they do, you can <fire> at them with the E-Web. If you're too slow and all the barricades get manned, a fourth trooper will charge you and dismount you from the E-Web if you're using it. You will then have to kill this trooper by normal means before you can mount the blaster again.

When the troopers behind the barricades shoot at you while you're mounted on the blaster, you will take a little bit of damage and your heading will change +/- 10 degrees.

==============================( Heading: 340 )==============================
                           `    ::::::                                      
                           `          :::::                                 
                           `           `   ::::::                           
                     _     `           `     _  `::::::                     
                    /=\    `         8 `    /=\ `      ::.__________________
                  0 \^/    `       o|-|\  0 \^/ `    ::::'                  
                  E/|-|\   `        |V|3  E/|_|\:::::                       
                    |V|3   `   .---------.::| | \                           
             .----------. :::::|     .--......| 3                           
             |          |:     |     |        '''''--.                      
        :::::|          |      '----@@@              |                  .   
::::::::     '----------'        . @   @             |                      
                                   @   @......       |        .        .    
                                  @     @   . '''''--'                      
                               @@@       @@@                                
                              @             @                               
===============================( |||       )================================

At the bottom of the display, you will see bars that represent how overheated the blaster has become, if it overheats, then you will have to wait for it to cool down before you can fire it again.

  • In the first battle you can safely fire when there are three bars or less.
  • In the second battle you can safely fire when there are four bars or less.
  • In the third battle you can safely fire when there are five bars or less.

If the blaster overheats, it will cool down two bars per combat round (two seconds). Try to find a rhythm so you avoid overheating it. If you're not able to fire, and all barricades are manned, a fourth trooper will run out and wrestle you off the blaster, and you will then have to fight this trooper normally. During the second and third battle, there's also a chance that not just one trooper will swarm you... You can get two troopers in the second battle, and three troopers in the third battle.

The troopers you have to fight will also get progressively harder, they're level 14 in the first battle, level 16 in the second battle, and level 18 in the third battle. Due to the number of NPCs that you kill, however, they only give experience as if they were level 1.

After you kill all the troopers that are not behind a barricade, you have eight seconds to remount the blaster before they send out more to fight you. So quickly get back on the blaster and start shooting!

When you finish the third battle, go north to find FN-2199, the riot control trooper standing there.

Look at the kills guide for hints on how to fight him.

If you attack him with a weapon other than a saber, you will lose the chance to get his Z6 baton, instead you will just get the Z4 baton and the fight will be much easier. To qualify for the mini, you have to fight and kill him with a saber!

When he dies, you will get the mini and an adornment.

Additionally, a part of the castle falls down making a hole in the ground which you can enter to reach the tunnels leading to Kylo Ren, effectively bypassing the need to complete the puzzle to reach him.

When you kill FN-2199 the entire castle will also collapse momentarily, ejecting any players trapped inside. The castle then becomes unreachable for 15 minutes, much like how Triton goes away after it gets blown up.


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