Zone objects guide

An objects guide will give you hints on which weapons, armour and other objects are noteworthy.


Adamantium pantser: Main that has three charges with some kind of 'nerve gas' that can damage your opponent. You start fight by covering opponent with it, then attack - note, you can not do this if fight is already started. Kill Kuratos to get it.
STATS:  Type: armour - Ac: 3 - Weight: ? - Exotic: ? - Requirements: ?

Archaic Bash Helm: this is a nifty little helmet that allows you to 'headbutt' enemies doing extra damage. Kill Thyne for it.
STATS:  Type: helmet - Ac: ? - Weight: ? - Exotic: no - Requirements: ?

Marjori battle armour: Armour with a carry special for weapons. Held by Sentinel killers.
STATS:  Type: armour  - Ac: 4 - Weight: ? - Exotic: no - Requirements: ?

Marjori battle armour advanced: Armour with a carry special for weapons. Held by Seryl.
STATS:  Type: armour - Ac: 5 - Weight: ? - Exotic: 4809 - Requirements: ?

Platinum armour set: see Armour sets page.

SI-138A power glove: Held by Mr. Knuckles in Zone 6 graveyard area. Gloves with charging/offensive capabilities.
STATS:  Type: gloves - Ac: 1 - Weight: ? - Exotic: ? - Requirements: ?


Laserbolt launcher: Found on Zone 3. You have to kill the general for it. Must be charged with Force points and does not do too much damage.
STATS:  Type: weapon - Ac: ? - Weight: ? - Exotic: ? - Requirements: ?


Black crystal: found on Isidis, Luman Ta, Drago and Arsenal. Gives a full heal of hit points and Force points. There are no side-effects when you 'shatter crystal'.

Dragon eye: bringing this object to Yang will make you 30k credits. You can earn it by killing Luman Ta as part of Mini - Zone - Dragon eye (fd) and by scratching tickets and winning the jackpot. (tell us where/how/where!).

LAW: Makes very nice damage against you opponent, usually 40-50 hit points, but very likely skill dependent. Set number of charges, ranging from 6 to 11 per LAW. Note that it seems to be armour independent damage. Kill Venum to get it.

THX-unit: Makes superb damage against you opponent, usually 50-60 hit points, but very likely skill dependent. Set number of charges, ranging from 6 to 8 per unit. Note that it seems to be armour independent damage. Kill Kuratos to get it.

Wand-O-Death: Makes decent damage against you opponent, usually 30-40 hit points, but very likely skill dependent. Set number of charges on wand, ranging from 4 to 9 pr wand. Note that it seems to be armour independent damage. Kill Isidis to get it.

Zoner equipment bag: held by Elpidia north of transporter on zone 6 and Bones the shop keeper on zone 4.  Decent bag, same size as large Bantha bag.


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